In a bustling city filled with the chaos and beauty of daily life, there existed a complex dance between two souls – a dance of love, pain, and human nature. Sarah and Michael were entangled in a web of emotions that neither could fully comprehend. Sarah was a free spirit, always taking the […]
Razgovaram s prijateljicom i prijateljem o složenim pitanjima koja oblikuju naše ljubavne živote u 21. stoljeću. “Zašto oženjeni muškarci varaju svoje žene i traže avanture preko interneta?” pitam prijateljicu. “Ako pišeš blog, nazovi ga ‘Kruha preko pogače’,” predlaže ona. “To je idiotizam,” odgovara prijatelj. “Mislim da bismo ljude trebali početi razlikovati po karakteru, kao što […]
Tek što sam instalirala aplikaciju na mobitel, više od stotinu muškaraca posjetilo je moj profil, ostavljajući srca i izraze divljenja. U uvodu sam na engleskom jeziku objasnila svoje aktivnosti na ovoj aplikaciji i namjere. Čini se da nitko nije pročitao ili ne razumije engleski: ‘Hey there! I’m here to dive into the world of communication […]
February 2nd, 2024. by Danijela Stanojević The next day, they woke up to the sound of a loud roar. They jumped out of their sleeping bags and saw a huge dragon flying over the forest, breathing fire and smoke. They felt a surge of panic and ran to their cars, hoping to escape. But the […]
Pag, 27th of September 2023 I was sitting in a cozy café with Željka, a friend of mine who had known me since her birth. We were both from the island of Pag, but we had very different personalities. She was gentle and graceful, like the lace she made. I was strong and restless, like […]
My project for the “24 sata” newspaper portal, which is one of the most popular online news sources in Croatia1. A documentary project that reveals the abuse of elderly, disabled, and third-age people who are trapped in unfair Maintenance until death agreements that violate their constitutional rights and dignity. The project I made, financed by […]
Story by Danijela Stanojević, 1st of July 2023 Lena stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the wooden bridge made of hemp. It was the only way to cross the chasm that separated her from her true love. She had waited for this moment for so long, but now she felt […]
Lena was a girl with two natures. One was beautiful and full of love, and the other was dark and very powerful. She could switch between them depending on her mood and the situation. She loved nature and flowers and had a special connection with them. She could make them grow and bloom with her […]
Queer Zagreb 2023. – International Queer festival ZAGREBDOX, 2023. – International documentary film festival Queer Zagreb 2022. – International Queer festival ZAGREBDOX 2022. – International documentary film festival
Written in Zagreb on June 18, 2023 by Danijela Stanojevic Lena had always loved the forest near her home. She loved the forest on the island, where she could escape from the world and lose herself in the green embrace of nature. She felt a surge of magical lust as she stripped off her clothes […]
Pišem ove priče jer želim ispisati događaje iz prve ruke, svoja iskustva s Tindera. Otvorila sam profil kako bih napisala scenarij za jednominutni film na temu “potrošačke ljubavi”, naslov filma je trebao biti “Ljudi ovo moraju znati”. Mnogi ili svi su na Tinderu, neki javno/otvoreno, neki potajice. Neki traže ljubav, drugi požudu, treći drže opcije […]
Gledam vijesti na HRTu i ne mogu se oteti mislima, kako se Milanović izvukao u zadnji čas iz poduzetništva. Ne mora sada zbog korone tražiti potporu od države za svoj privatni biznis. Ne mora razmišljati kako će idući mjesec, hoće li netko poslovati s njim? Hoće li se projekti završiti ili će ga korona zaustaviti? […]
Psihološki savjeti koji će nam pomoći preživjeti izolaciju Najveće je umijeće kada čovjek može ostati sam sa sobom, u potpunoj izolaciji bez interakcija. Suočavati se sa svojim strahovima, neizvjesnošću, pitajući se do kada moram izdržati? Na to pitanje, trenutno, nema odgovora ali ne znači da ga kroz nekoliko tjedana, mjeseci ili godina, neće biti. Uvijek […]